
Find out about what we do at Weetwood

Flood risk management

From preliminary assessments of flood risk through to detailed site specific flood risk assessments, sequential and exception testing, flood map challenges and the preparation of flood management plans we provide best in class advice to ensure a positive outcome. With Weetwood in your team you can be sure that you will have maximised the likelihood of making a success of your development.

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Surface and foul water drainage

Our drainage advice and design service identifies and develops the most effective and viable surface and foul water management solutions. We can advise you every step of the way, from initial appraisals to detailed designs for approval by the SAB (SuDS Approval Body) (Wales), lead local flood authority approval (England),   water company adoption and for construction. Whether your requirement is for a small private development or a major residential, employment, retail or industrial development our drainage experts will identify a viable solution that will enable your development to proceed. With our team of experts you can be confident that your development will be successfully delivered.

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Environmental impact assessments

Our Environmental Impact Assessment experts have undertaken numerous and advised on all aspects of the EIA process in relation to the water environment from screening and scoping through to preparing robust chapters for Environmental Statements.  No matter what the sector, our team advise on the process and undertake the necessary assessments to help ensure that the assessment of the water environment is robustly undertaken.

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Utility assessments

Our utilities advice service advises on electricity, gas, sewerage, water and telecommunications. We undertake assessments to advise on site appraisals and support site promotion, to inform the master planning of larger developments and to provide the information required for planning applications. Our assessments help to demonstrate the technical deliverability and viability of developments based on service infrastructure and ensure that layouts are optimised with respect to any existing utility infrastructure potentially reducing delays and problems. We also provide budget cost estimates for service diversions, reinforcements and connections.

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Site surveys

Good quality survey information is a pre-requisite for any development in order to ensure an application is founded on a robust evidence base. Survey services we provide include topographic surveys, watercourse channel surveys, drainage surveys and infiltration/percolation testing.

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Expert witness and dispute resolution

Our industry recognised experts are technically accomplished, commercially aware and able to analyse and communicate complex technical matters at a level appropriate to client need. This combination of skills is in high demand by insurers, legal teams and developers seeking to address matters involving flood risk, drainage, water supply, sewage disposal, water quality, groundwater and coastal and river erosion. Our experts provide advice in relation to Section 78 Appeal Inquiries, insurance claims and as expert witnesses.

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